annual fund

Ravens Fund

Support dreams and unlock opportunities for San Jac students through our annual fund. Only with these essential donations are we able to enhance the academic experience, provide financial assistance for basic needs, and support the College directly where the need is greatest.

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4 Pillars the Raven Fund Supports

The Ravens Fund is a powerful source of philanthropic support that allows San Jacinto College leadership to infuse funding into any of our 4 pillar areas based on the immediate and most pressing needs of the San Jac students. These funds are essential to keeping the San Jac community thriving.
  1. Basic Needs & Housing Support

    The San Jacinto College Marketplace offers free groceries, meals, and other necessities to all current students enrolled in classes. 

  2. Emergency Relief Grants

    When natural disasters hit or a student gets a flat tire that will hinder them from attending class, the Foundation responds by providing emergency relief grants to students so they can continue their education.

  3. Program Support

    We coordinate donor support for many programs across the College and help ensure that faculty are able to provide a world-class experience for every student.

  4. Capital Support

    The Foundation coordinates and administers funding for capital projects such as the Maritime Campus and equipment for the biomanufacturing facility at our Generation Park Campus.

Become a Giving Partner with the Chancellor's Circle

You have made such valuable contributions to support our students' educational journeys, and we want to show our appreciation. Based on your contributions, you can become part of the Chancellor's Circle and receive incredible perks from the San Jacinto College Foundation. 

Check out our giving partner levels:

All perks included in Accountability level, plus:

All perks included in Innovation level, plus:

  • Invitation to annual catered dinner with San Jacinto College’s Chancellor
  • Invitation to VIP reception at San Jacinto College special events throughout the year
  • Social media highlight

All perks included in Collaboration level, plus:

  • Donor included on San Jac website
  • Invitations to special events on campus throughout the year
  • Invitation to Chancellor’s Circle reception
  • Special invitation to leadership events (State of the College, holiday party, and more)
  • Invitation to donor appreciation luncheon with a name tag flag
  • Custom Chancellor’s Circle recognition item for first year in the society
  • Recognition in the Chancellor’s annual report to the community

Learn more about the Raven Fund

Want to know more about the Annual Fund and what it supports? Reach out today!

You can find us at:
4624 Fairmont Parkway, Suite 210
Pasadena, TX 77504

Phone: 281-998-6104
Robert Cage
Executive Director, Foundation
(281) 998-6368
Andrea Nguyen
Dir, Corp/Foundation Relations
(281) 998-6350x6104
Shazia Husain
Coord, Alumni and Annual Gvg
(281) 998-6303x6303