Even if you aren't a current student at San Jacinto College, we offer testing for students and professionals working with another institution.


Testing Made Easy

Here are a few things you should know before scheduling a Correspondence Test at our College.

Register for Correspondence Testing

Before you register to take a test at San Jac, make sure to speak with your institution to discuss test requirements and the best testing opportunities. 

Your institution must send instructions for your test to a San Jac Testing Coordinator for review. Instructions must be received before we can schedule your appointment. Some institutions need testing staff to complete a proctor agreement form. You can submit this form with your appointment request if required.

We will make every effort to meet your testing needs, but some institutions may have testing requirements that we cannot fulfill. We will review and confirm any issues with your institution, then notify you about proctoring your test. 

San Jac can only proctor your test per the instructions provided by your institution. We can't provide testing accommodations that you may receive through your institution's accessibility services team. To determine the best way to meet your accommodations, please speak with your institution.

Before Requesting an Appointment

Your test instructions will determine the test's time limit and if breaks are allowed during testing. We will work with you to meet your scheduling needs, but please review the campus schedule and submit your request early for the best chance to test before your deadline.

When you're ready to test, be sure to have: 

  • Your government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc.)
  • An approved ID per your institution's guidelines (if required)
  • $20 for the proctoring fee 

If you need to retest, speak with your institution to learn more about their retest policy.



San Jac Testing Centers have a responsibility to faculty and students to respond to any infractions that may occur. We administer correspondence tests under policy, rules and guidelines set forth by the institution providing the test. Specific details vary per institution and test. Testing Center staff will review the details as examinees arrive to test.


Schedule Your Correspondence Test

Each campus offers different kinds of tests. Check below to see which campus offers the test you need and to schedule your exam.


At the time of your appointment, report to the Testing Center on the campus where you prefer to test. Contact the location if you have any questions.

CAmpus Address Phone Email
Central Welcome Center C27.2200, 2nd Floor  281-998-6150 x 2025 testingcenter-central@sjcd.edu
North Welcome Center N6.220, 2nd Floor 281-998-6150 x 2347 testingcenter-north@sjcd.edu
South Welcome Center S6.220, 2nd Floor  281-998-6150 x 3433 testingcenter-south@sjcd.edu
Generation Park G2. 115 281-998-6150 x 8129